

December 8, 2023
Negarit Band
Producer: Teferi Assefa
Number of discs: 1

Senedu Gebru, the maiden name for Emahoye Tsige Mariam Gebru was born to high society in 1923 during the reign of Emperor Haile Selassie. As a privileged child, she was sent to an all-girls boarding school in Switzerland when she was only six (6) years old in order to study the violin and piano. She performed her first solo violin concert at the tender age of ten (10). The Emahoye single is dedicated to Emahoye Tsige Mariam Gebru and incorporates an introductory piano solo (derived from her Ethiopian adaptation of classical European music that is integrated with fretless traditional string-bowed instrument (the masinko) and the spiritual vocals of zelesegna.

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